The Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP) is an alternative certification program for classroom teachers.
North Georgia RESA is NOT able to guarantee anyone a position in schools. The North Georgia RESA program supports area school systems having a way to certify teachers that they hire through an alternative certification. North Georgia RESA is NOT an employment agency, so the program will not and cannot help an individual with employment. We recommend that a person seeking employment stay current with the postings on or on the individual school district websites.
The Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP) is an alternate pathway for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution, who did not complete a traditional teacher education degree program, and who want to transition into the teaching profession. In an effort to be responsive to the needs of its members, North Georgia RESA works collaboratively with schools and systems to mitigate teacher shortages through its commitment to a rigorous yet highly supportive alternative preparation program. The goal of the GaTAPP pathway is to equip teacher candidates with the necessary skills for initial success in their classrooms through concentrated training opportunities. Such training coupled with quality, on the job learning supported by supervisors, mentors and administrators establishes an induction program that will nurture the growth of teacher candidates.
The North Georgia RESA Alternative Preparation Program is:
Applicants should understand:
As candidates enter the North Georgia RESA GaTAPP program, supervisors and mentors note skills and talents candidates bring with them from previous experiences that aide in the transition to classroom teacher. Throughout enrollment, an analysis of knowledge, performance and dispositions is performed via classroom observations, mentoring activities, cohort trainings and collaborative conversations. Data on the candidates is collected and used to diagnose weakness and differentiate support. Seminars, additional coursework and targeted individual supports relative to specific performance and needs are provided for teacher candidates. These interventions support the movement of the novice teacher candidate towards proficiency in content knowledge, pedagogical skill, and professional dispositions as they engage in learning tasks which are reflective of the mission and beliefs of North Georgia RESA.
The philosophical basis for North Georgia RESA’s GaTAPP program is expressed in seven core beliefs that summarize the agency’s disposition toward the provision of effective teacher preparation. They provide the rationale for the practices implemented to ensure a high-quality program.
1. We believe that an effective Teacher Alternative Preparation Program provides:
2. We believe that every teacher candidate should be prepared to recognize the diversity that each learner brings to the education process and modify the learning environment to accommodate:
3. We believe that Teacher Alternative Preparation Programs should infuse appropriate technology into the instructional program by:
4. We believe instruction in an effective Teacher Alternative Preparation Program incorporates and models:
5. We believe that instructors in an effective Teacher Alternative Preparation Program should be:
6. We believe that teacher candidates in a Teacher Alternative Preparation Program should be:
7. We believe that decisions regarding policy and resource acquisitions should be:
Before applying, please read through the information packet for a full understanding of the GaTAPP program.
Once you have read through the information packet, complete and submit the following application:
To be assessed for eligibility in the North Georgia RESA's GaTAPP program, please mail as a complete packet the following:
Candidates who are accepted into the program will register for the Essentials of Effective Teaching class (offered each summer). Registration will be through our online registration system.
Monday - Friday
8AM - 4:30PM
We are closed for all major holidays.
In the event of inclement weather, we
will follow Gilmer County Schools.