Can I Get Government Benefits if My Husband & I Are Separated?

Household finances may feel strained after separation from a spouse or partner. Newly separated spouses can find themselves needing help to pay living expenses on their own, even if they have never received government benefits before. Thankfully, the federal government has programs in place to assist in these types of situations. Financial circumstances, rather than marital status, usually determine eligibility for most types of benefits. If you have questions regarding your rights to specific types of benefits, you can consult with a public benefits attorney, legal aid nonprofit or visit the program's website for more guidance.

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Can I Get Government Benefits if My Husband & I Are Separated? Image Credit: lovelyday12/iStock/GettyImages

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Federal Poverty Guidelines

The federal government generally does not consider marital status in its eligibility criteria to receive benefits. Instead, eligibility depends on the federal poverty guidelines, which the government publishes annually to set income limits based on the size of the applicant's household. If one spouse moves out after the couple's separation, the household size may decrease or the household may lose a source of income. Accordingly, the spouse applying for benefits may become eligible due to the changes in the household. In addition to the federal poverty guidelines, eligibility for government benefits may vary according to the laws and eligibility standards set by each state in distributing federal funding for benefits.