Residential Landlord has created this outline free tenancy agreement template which can form the basis of most letting arrangements. This is available to download in word format, and amend freely to suit your needs by completing the form below.
Since 28 February 1997 all private residential property tenancies granted to private individuals for a term of less than 21 years and at a rental of less than £100,000 per annum will generally be assured shorthold tenancies.
There is no minimum requirement for the fixed term. However, landlords cannot recover possession under Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 during the first six months of an agreement.
When approved by both landlord and tenant, a tenancy agreement is a legally binding document.Our free outline agreement, which can be used both in respect of houses and flats, is suitable for tenancies granted for terms of three years or less. Additional considerations apply to agreements for tenancies of longer than three years – such as the need for rent review and insurance provisions.
The outline documentation also includes a guarantee document (to be used where compliance with tenants’ obligations is to be guaranteed by a third party) and explanatory notes. Landlords should read the outline agreement, guarantee and explanatory notes carefully before customising and finalising the content. They should seek legal advice on any aspects of the documentation which is unclear.
Although the agreement is suitable for use in most tenancies, any landlords with special circumstances or considerations relating to their properties or tenants are advised to seek legal advice before completion.