Nurse Anesthesia Programs listed by Application Deadline

Nurse Anesthesia Programs are listed here by their application deadlines.

*Please note that because some CRNA schools change their application deadline multiple times each year, the date listed for each school may or may not accurately reflect the current deadline. In most cases, the listed deadline is within a month of the school’s revised deadline

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When Should I Apply to Nurse Anesthesia Programs?

It’s best to have your application (and all supporting documents) in several months before the deadline. Most nurse anesthesia programs give priority to early applicants. Some programs even have two deadlines for this reason.

Generally speaking, programs start accepting applications roughly 18 months before the start of the program until as few as 6 months before the class begins. The average deadline is around 12 months before the program begins; however, some programs accept applications year round.

Most nurse anesthesia programs have application deadlines in October, November or December.

Keep in mind that there are a handful of nurse anesthesia programs that allow for a smaller window of applications. These schools are generally more competitive. They use this time restriction to limit the number of applicants because otherwise they would be flooded.

The opposite is also true – nurse anesthesia programs that accept your application up to (what seems like) the day before the program starts are much more eager for quality applicants. If your marks are on the lower end, it may be best to apply to these schools first.

How Many Nurse Anesthesia Programs Should I Apply To?

It REALLY depends on which schools you plan on applying to. Some nurse anesthesia programs get so many applicants that they won’t even consider your application unless your GPA is better than 3.5, you have more than 3 years in the ICU (at a large hospital) and your GRE score is better than 300.

If you were to apply to 6 or 7 of these schools with, let’s say, a GPA of 3.2 and 1 year PICU experience, you’d be devastated when you didn’t even get an interview with one of these schools!

However, if you did more strategic planning and applied to 2 or 3 nurse anesthesia programs that were less competitive, you’d most likely get at least one interview.

Also, don’t apply to nurse anesthesia programs if you don’t meet their minimum requirements. Every program director I’ve spoken with so far has told me that they throw out applications of students who don’t meet the minimums.

Save yourself time and energy by only applying to nurse anesthesia programs you have a chance of getting into.


January 15, 2022, Clarkson College , NE